Zed Foods is one of the leading Egyptian companies in the field of exporting fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables. Zed Foods is based in Cairo,Egypt. All year round, it provides a full, day-fresh range of fruits and vegetables to its clients: importers, wholesalers, supermarket chains, caterers and the processing industry.

We Can
We at ZED FOODS therefore want to have a positive effect on nature and the environment. We’ve always understood that we need to take responsibility for the impact of our business operations on the environment, and we will continue to do so.
With increased trade comes increased responsibility. As our export volumes continue to grow and consumers become more demanding in terms of food safety and quality requirements, we are facing rising challenges to meet specific standards of international markets around the world.
Our Experience
We source and produce fresh produce nationally throughout Egypt to ensure that our customers have access to every variety and product from the very begining to the end of the season. Not only un limited in volume but also pursues sustainable practices throughout the supply chain process, driven by management to ensure integrated service provided to our customers, we provide and develop production and marketing programs which serve the specific needs of all our sutomers.
Our aim is to providing the best of nature while developing the most efficient and sustainable fresh produce solutions, in close cooperation with its customers and suppliers.
Our mission is to grow profitably through innovation, operational excellence, and sustainability in supplying fresh product. In pursuing this mission, we will deliver value:
To customer: by delivering fresh produce solutions with sustainable quality and integrated service, and continously developing long-lasting relationships.
To staff: By offering a stimulating enviroment that encourages innovation and knowledge sharing. Being a successful enterprise in the fruit and vegetable supplying sector means more than just delivering fresh, high-quality products. ZED Foods offers a comprehensive range of services enabling our customers to choose from surprising assortment of natural products each and everyday.
What We Export
As one of the largest exporters of food, We are able to source and export most Egyptian made food in all categories including Dry Grocery, Frozen & Chilled, Fresh Food and pickles. We have long established supply agreements with Egyptian manufacturers and this, along with our buying power, allows us to negotiate and obtain the lowest possible price for our customers.

French Fries

Frozen Food

What We Export
As one of the largest exporters of food, We are able to source and export most Egyptian made food in all categories including Dry Grocery, Frozen & Chilled, Fresh Food and pickles. We have long established supply agreements with Egyptian manufacturers and this, along with our buying power, allows us to negotiate and obtain the lowest possible price for our customers.

Fresh Food

Frozen Food